Saturday, December 21, 2013

Unit Training Camp 2013

This is a friendly reminder that this year's Unit Training Camp will commence on the 26th of December. Please fall in by 1400hrs outside the NPCC room this coming Thursday. Please bring along your current ranks. Thank youZ.

Friday, December 13, 2013

UTC 2013 packing list

Located below is the packing list for this year's UTC . Please take a look and remember to pack in advance. A copy of this is also located on the VSNPCC website. Thank youZ.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Campcraft Training on 5/12/13 and 7/12/13

There will be campcraft training this coming Thursday and Saturday. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 0745hrs in your VS PE teeshirt and track pants. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the change in dates.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Visit to NEWater Visitor Centre on 29/11/13

There will be a visit to the NEWater Visitor Centre this coming Friday, the 29th of November. Please fall at the VS foyer at 0830hrs in your Unit Polo Tee and track pants. More information can be found on the form issued to you last training. Thank youZ.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Flag painting on 22/11/13

There will be flag painting this coming Friday, the 22nd of November. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 0815hrs in your PT kit. All cadets are reminded to bring along their own newspapers and paint brushes from home. Thank youZ.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Training on 19/11/13

There will be training this coming Tuesday, the 19th of November. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 0815hrs in your PT kit. Thank youZ.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Training on 15/11/13

There will be training on this coming Friday, the 15th of November. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 0815hrs in your PT kit. Thank youZ.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Campcraft training on 14/11/13

There will be campcraft training this coming Thursday, the 14th of November. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 0745hrs in your PT kit. Thank you!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Campcraft Training on 12/11/13

There will be campcraft training on this coming Tuesday, the 12th of November. Please fall in outside the NPCC room in your PT kit by 0745hrs. Thank you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Campcraft training on 7/11/13

There will be campcraft training on this coming Thursday, the 7th of November. Please fall in outside the NPCC room in your PT kit by 0745hrs. Thank you.

Training on 8/11/13

There will be trainig this Friday, the 8th of November. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 0815hrs in your PT kit. Thank you.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Campcraft training on 5/11/13

There will be campcraft training this Tuesday, the 5th of November. Please fall in by 0745hrs in your PT kit outside the NPCC room. Thank you.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Training on 22/10/13

There will be training this coming Tuesday, the 22nd of October. Please fall in outside the NPCC room in your PT kit by 1100hrs. Thank you.

Training dates for the rest of this year

The following are the training dates for the rest of the year:
22 October Tuesday 1100hrs to 1300hrs
8 November Friday 0830hrs to 1200hrs
15 November Friday 0830hrs to 1200hrs
19 November Tuesday 0830hrs to 1200hrs
22 November Friday 0830hrs to 1200hrs
Annual Unit Training Camp 26 December to 28 December

These are only the schedules for weekly trainings and the UTC and do not include courses.
Thank you.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Training on 18/10/2013

There will be training on this Friday, the 18th of October. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415hrs in your half NPCC uniform. Do bring along your PT kit. Thank you.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Make-up Civil Defence Course on 30/10/13

There will be a make-up Civil Defense course on the 30th of  October. More details will be given nearer to the date. In the meantime, please keep that date free and training resumes this week. Thank you.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Briefing on 20/9/13

There will be a briefing on the 20th of September, this Friday. Please meet outside the NPCC room for a briefing by Mr Tee at 1300hrs in whatever attire you were previously in (any school based attire).
Thank you

Monday, September 9, 2013

Home Front Security Course on 12/9/13

The Home Front Security Course will be held this Thursday, the 12th of September. All secondary 3 cadets are required to report and meet at the VS foyer at 1250hrs before a chatered bus transports them to HTA in their full NPCC uniform.
Thank you.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Training on 30/8/13

There will be training this coming Friday, the 30th of August. Please fall in outside the NPCC room in your half NPCC uniform by 1415hrs. Do bring along your PT kit.
Thank you.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Training on 23/8/13

There will be training this coming Friday, the 23rd of August. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415hrs in your half NPCC uniform. Do bring along your PT kit.
Thank you.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Homefront Security Course on the 12/9/13

The Homefront Security Course will be held on Thursday, the 12th of September. Please fall in outside the NPCC Room by 0900hrs in your full NPCC Uniform.
Thank you.

UTC Dates

This year's unit training camp will be held on the 26-28 of December. Please do not go overseas during this period of time.
Thank you.

Monday, July 29, 2013

NPCC Service day on 31/7/13

NPCC Service day will be held this Wednesday, the 31st of July. Please fall in outside the NPCC Room  in your full NPCC uniform by 1455hrs.
Thank you.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Training on 26/7/13

There will be training this Friday, the 26th of July. Please fall in outside the NPCC Room by 1415hrs in your half NPCC uniform. Do bring along your PT kit.
Thank you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

VS NPCC Unit Photos 2013

Cadets, do take note that the unit photos are out. Please prepare the money and pass it to your respective Squad ICs as well as inform them which photo you would like to buy, this Friday, 19/7/13, during training.

Formal 1(normal background)- $4
Formal 2(entrance of sch background)- $4
Informal 1- $4
Thank you.

Training on 19/7/13

There will be training this Friday, the 19th of July. Please fall in outside the NPCC room in your half NPCC uniform by 1415hrs. Do bring along your PT kit.
Thank you and NIL SINE LABORE.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Training and ROD on 12/7/13

There will be training and ROD this coming Friday, the 12th of July. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415hrs in your full NPCC uniform. Do bring along your PT kit. Attendance is compulsory and dinner will be provided.
Thank you.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Training on 5/7/13

There will be training this Friday, the 5th of July. Please fall in by 1415hrs outside the NPCC Room in your half NPCC uniform. Do bring along your PT kit.
Thank you and NIL SINE LABORE

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cancellation of all NPCC related activities held next week

All NPCC related events for secondary 2 and 3 cadets held next week will be cancelled. This would include the Civil Defence and Home Front Security Course.
Please remember to keep healthy and refrain from inhaling too much of the haze.
Thank you.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

CIP & Bicycle labeling competition on 14/6/13

CIP and the Bicycle labeling competition will be held on 14/6/13. Please fall in outside the NPCC room in your VS PE shirt and track pants by 0745. Attendance is compulsary and your attendance will be taken.
Thank you and enjoy your holidays.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Training on 7/6/13

There will be training this Friday, 7th of June, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 0800 hours in your half NPCC uniform, bringing your PT kit along too.

Thank you.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

NPCC day on 31/5/13

All cadets are to wear their Full NPCC Uniform to school this Friday, 31st of May.
Please meet at the school hall before 0710hrs.
You may only change out of your full uniform after school as it is a half-day.
Please be reminded that you have to come for training in your PT kit.
Thank you.

Briefing on NPCC day on 30/5/13

Please meet outside the NPCC room at 1400hrs(2.00pm) on 30/5/13 on this Thursday  for a briefing on NPCC day.
Thank you.

Training on 31/5/13

There will be training this Friday, 31th of May, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1130 hours in your full NPCC uniform.

The Muslim cadets will be released at 1300 for prayers and rejoin at 1400.
Do bring along your PT kit.
Thank you.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Survival Training Camp

Dear Sec 3s, this is a message from Mr Chua.

Your STC is this coming weekend.

Report in School at 12.30pm
Report directly at the jetty at 1.30pm

Report in School at 2.00pm
Report directly at the jetty at 3.00pm

Please be reminded to bring along TWO(recommended) 1.5 Litres Water Bottle each.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

No training

There will be no training until further notice.
Please study hard for your upcoming SA1 examination.
Thank you.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Training on 19/4/13

There will be training this Friday, 19th of April, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415 hours in your PT - Kit.
Thank you.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Training on 12/4/13

There will be training this Friday, 12th of April, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415 hours in your Half - Uniform.
Do bring along your PT - Kit.
Thank you.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Training on 5/4/13

There will be training this Friday, 5th of April, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415 hours in your Half - Uniform.
Do bring along your PT - Kit.
Thank you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Training on 28/3/13

There will be training this Thursday, 28th of March, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1550 hours in your PT-Kit.
Training will end around 1800 hours.
Thank you.

Monday, March 18, 2013

CLBTC on 20/3/13

There will be CLBTC this Wednesday, 20th of March, 2013. Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 0745 hours in your PT-Kit with track pants.
Thank you.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

CLBTC on 15/3/13

This will commence this Friday, 15th of March, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1215 hours in your Full - Uniform.
Do bring along your PT - Kit.
Thank you.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Training on 8/3/13

There will be training this Friday, 8th of March, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415 hours in your Half-Uniform.
Do bring along your PT - Kit.
Thank you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Training on 1/3/13

There will be training this Friday, 1st of March, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415 hours in your Full-Uniform.
Do bring along your PT-Kit.
Thank you.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Total Defence Day Commemoration on 18/2/13

Please wear your FULL NPCC UNIFORM to school this Monday, 18th of February, 2013.
You may change out of it during recess.
Thank you.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Training on 15/2/13

There will be training this Friday, 15th of February, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415 hours in your Full-Uniform.
Do bring along your PT-Kit.
Thank you.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Training on 6/2/13

There will be training this Wednesday, 6th of February, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1500 hours in your Full-Uniform.
Do bring along your PT-Kit.
Thank you.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Training on 1/2/13

There will be training this Friday, 1st of February, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1515 hours in your Half-Uniform.
Do bring along your PT-Kit.
Thank you.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Training on 18/1/13

There will be training this Friday, 18th of January, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415 hours in your Full-Uniform.
Do bring along your PT-Kit and have your lunch before reporting.
Thank you.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Training on 11/1/13

There will be training this Friday, 11th of January, 2013.
Please fall in outside the NPCC room by 1415 hours in your Full-Uniform.
Do have your lunch and bring along your PT-Kit.
Thank you.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Flag Planting on 4/1/13

To all those selected for the Flag Planting,
There will be flag planting this Friday, 4th of January, 2013.
Please meet outside the NPCC room by 1530 hours in your Full-Uniform.
Thank you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Launch of VSNPCC Unit Website

Dear VSNPCC PhantomZ cadets,

The official VSNPCC Unit website has been launched. Do visit it at

Thank you.